SDIG's Diversity Programs

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Corporate Diversity and Inclusive Leadership Training :

Take the guesswork out of DEI implementation. We help leaders set and deliver meaningful goals, develop impactful policies that support their teams, and nurture an environment of inclusion, belonging, and community.
Conflict Resolution

Civic Engagement and Dialogue:

Explore sources of conflict, unlock new perspectives, and develop the right tools for effective cross-cultural, and cross-functional communication strategies.
Corporate Leadership Training

Corporate Leadership Training:

Tools that equip leaders with critical skills to lead and support diverse teams.
Evidence-Based DEI Policies And Practices

Evidence-Based DEI Policies And Practices:

We make it easy to focus on the data to get executive buy-in and power progress.
Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive Leadership:

Develop a growth mindset and foster leadership skills that will empower you to create, cultivate, develop, nurture, and lead a diverse and inclusive workplace.